Axel Hotels is a destination where freedom is understood in the very broadest sense of the word. A paradise free from labels or stigmas of any kind, a paradise that stretches beyond the walls of any building.
Freedom is our standard that accompanies us in everything we do and who we are. And it always has. What our motto “Celebrating freedom inside” means at Axel Hotels is that we design and promote safe spaces where differences are not just respected, but celebrated.
We’re not just any hotel brand. We’re the hotel brand chosen by people seeking more than a place to spend the night, but a place where they are free to be themselves.

Here, it’s Pride every single day. As part of the LGBTQIA+ community, we dive in as deep as you can. We support claiming space, we explore what it means to be authentic, and we promote diversity. We promote living life with passion and spirit.
We pamper our guests and ensure they feel that they can be, express, and enjoy themselves here without judgment. Perhaps for that reason we don't do things like other hotels, simply because we have our own vision and aim to create our own place in the world.